Saturday, August 25, 2007

Government Problem Solving

My boss got reamed for our industrious unit not meeting the majority of our 30+ annual benchmarks and milestones. Why did we not meet them? I don't know for sure since I was not working here, but his answer was that none of the current staff work as hard as the previous boss. Umm, perhaps that was not the best answer he could have used.
So what is the problem with this? Congress does not care which benchmarks we hit, they want to know as an agency what our total percentage of hit benchmarks his. We hit 85% last year and Congress would like 90% this year.
The solution?

Rewrite the benchmarks and milestones of course! How simple! This includes the milestones for the year that just finished. We went from 30+ to 9! Want to guess our success rate for the past year? A whopping 100%!

Your tax dollars at work! Bet your job can't improve efficiency that much in one day!

Think I am joking? Sadly I am not.

1 comment:

Lora said...

It's one thing to set benchmarks too high......but it' apparent he ENTIRELY missed the point.