Monday, August 20, 2007

Connecting Motorola RAZR V3 to Computer

In the previous post I included a picture from the accident that was taken by my cellphone. Anyone who has a Motorola RAZR has noticed that they included a mini-usb port on the side of the phone to charge it with. You might think it is a simple process to just plug the usb cable into your PC and RAZR and connect..........nope. That won't even get your phone to recharge. You can buy a cable (any mini-USB will work) and software from Motorola for $50 or more or you can use the power of Google.
This is not as simple as it should be. It took me over 2 hours of screwing around to figure out how to do it easily. You need some drivers which are found in a file called "razr V3 usb". Installing these drivers will allow your computer to recharge your cellphone....handy but of limited use. Then you need a software package called P2K Commander. That can be found here. Installing this program will then require you to go to System and Device Manager and right-click on the cellphone in Device Manager. Three different applications need to have the drivers update, however they are all included in P2K Commander, just point Windows to that directory and you will be good to go. Then reconnect your phone to your computer and start P2K Commander. You can then navigate around on your phone and move files to and from. That alone has a learning curve as well. If anyone is curious for specifics just let me know. It is a very useful tool.

1 comment:

Lora said...

That just went way beyond my knowledge and "like" of computers...
light years...
in a galaxy far far away...